EJ Divitt
Official website and blog of EJ Divitt: Author of The Ghost Protector Trilogy, Daily Writing Prompts To Spur Creativity, I'm Engaged! Now What?, Things Every Goddess Should Know and many more.
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
Angel Snippet
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Employees Appreciate Small Gestures
Every year a vendor comes in and gives us all desk blotter/desktop calendars--the huge ones that you put under your keyboard and write on. I never take one because I don't like having it across my desk. I always wait until a week or so into the new year and buy myself a wall calendar off the discount rack. This year the boss went out and bought desktop calendars for the employees that usually get one. He also brought me a wall calendar. One I had not asked for nor mentioned. When he handed it to me, he said, "Here I got this because I know you prefer the wall ones." As simple as that and as cheap as that and I felt appreciated and acknowledged. Small gestures matter.
P.S. My boss has since come back and taken the calendar back stating he needs it for the break room. And yes, I'm probably unreasonably annoyed by that. Small things matter.
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
Fat Girl Finishing School

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I didn't like all of the poems in this collection. For example, the Bette Midler one went completely over my head. So why 5 stars? Because I did like several, and loved several, and found many notable lines, and in a collection of poems, finding multiple you love gets 5 stars.
"My excuse is pumpkin ice cream and three seasons of Luther on Netflix."
"I wanted to love you like a landmark
Now you just be some Fotomart."
The beginning of, "Blood Tongue".
Lot's of great lines in "Wife Material".
An interesting introduction to a lifestyle very different from my own.
I got a chance to read this for free through Netgalley's ebook program.
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Review of Ghost Moon by Kathryn Knight

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
A nice little paranormal mystery romance set in a small town in Cape Cod. I enjoyed the story, the mystery of who the ghost was was well done. My only complaint would be I would have liked Jesse and Lark's story to be a little more fleshed out; book seemed a little short. I guess that means I liked them.
I would recommend for fans of paranormal romances.
I received a free copy of the ebook from the author in exchange for an honest review.
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Friday, February 7, 2020
Health Issues And Getting Back To Work
I didn't start feeling at all like myself until at least February 2019.
I've basically been reconstructing my life ever since.
It's surprising how life alteringly exhausting it is to remove a piece of yourself.
Tuesday, May 1, 2018
Book Review: Song Of Blood And Stone, Earthsinger Chronicles Book One

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
An enjoyable read.
This book is a fantasy novel with warring countries trying to break through/defend a magical barrier between the lands. It has basic technology like electricity and radios which is unusual in books that seem more high fantasy. Unusual in a good way as I enjoyed the update.
This is the story of Jack and Jasminda trying to save their world from a vicious magical All Father who drains people's magic to add to his own. It has fights, a romance subplot, sibling rivalry, bad soldiers, good soldiers, confused Sisters, and a magical Queen stuck in a sleep spell.
I would recommend this book. I've already recommended it to someone.
I received a digital copy from NetGalley in exchange for my honest opinion. It has an expiration date so I consider it no different than if I had borrowed it from the library.
A good book, the start of a new series--I believe book 2 comes out this fall--that would be a good addition to any fantasy, urban or paranormal fantasy collection.
View all my reviews
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
Free E-Book All Amazon Sites 8/23/17 to 8/25/17
Honestly I had forgotten I even had free days coming up, I scheduled them so long ago. I should probably pay more attention.
But anyway, want a free paranormal fantasy or urban fantasy read with no cliffhangers? Here you go:
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B018DAGJYO/ (USA)
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B018DAGJYO/ (UK)