Today is November 1st. Today marks the official start of the annual National Novel Writing Month; affectionately known as nanowrimo. Every November thousands of people set out to write a novel in one month.
You have from November 1st through November 30th to write a novel of at least 50,000 words. The novel must be an entire story with a beginning, middle and an ending. If you reach 50,000 words and your hero is till half way through the big battle, you are not done.
I have done the challenge 5 times. I have completed 3 of them.
The point is not to write the best thing you have ever written. The point is to write. Period. Sit down and start writing and see where the story and the characters take you. Tell that little voice in your head to shut up; you know your grammar was off there and you know that is not the best name for that character. You can fix those things on the second draft. This is all about getting the first draft down.
Ever wanted to write a novel or just like challenges? Give it a try. Visit for more information and to sign up. It is free. It is mind boggling and when it is done, you get bragging rights.
50,000 words comes down to about 1,667 words per day. If you fall behind one day, you can make it up the next. If you are ahead, keep going anyways as you may find mid month you need the word count help.
Don't worry about having a plot laid out or characters. Take some small spark of an idea and just sit down and write. Half the fun is seeing where your brain takes you.